Have yet to find a philosophical somewhere I am content to call home. The closest I get to a creed these days is a quote by John Green. "Whether I believe in God isn’t really relevant. I do believe however tenuously in Mercy" Due to a lot of personal reasons encountered along this journey, I have mostly stepped away from writing for now. Still, sometimes something stirs me and I need space to hash out my thoughts. So welcome to my little space along the journey.
Monday, December 27, 2004
Thursday, December 23, 2004
Walden Media - An Impressive Record
According to their press release
"Jeff Bridges is attached to produce, and Todd Alcott is writing the screenplay based on the beloved and Newbery Medal-winning young adult science fiction novel by Lois Lowry. The Giver is the riveting story of Jonas, a 12-year-old boy living in an idyllic future society where all memory of human history has been erased. The sole keeper of the vast range of human emotions that are unknown to the larger community is the 'Giver,' a man chosen as an adviser, whose unique access to knowledge isolates him from the rest of society. Jonas' simple life is thrown into turmoil when he is designated to inherit the Giver's dangerous yet prestigious role. Under the Giver's instruction, Jonas begins to learn increasingly chilling truths about the world he lives in. This growing knowledge sparks the flame of true rebellion in Jonas as he defies his society and risks his own life to save a child in jeopardy. "
Now This makes me pretty impressed with this company. Allow me explain why. First, I think that Young Adult books are perhaps one of our most important social assetts. This group needs stories that are entertaining and spiritually, socially, or politically challenging. Second, in this day and age of film, I think the greatest of these stories need to be told by great filmmakers.
So I present to you a list of the Top 10 Young Adult Books I have Read
1. The Giver - Lois Lowry
2. Magicians Nephew - C.S. Lewis
3. Lion Witch & Wardrobe - C.S. Lewis
4. Johnny Tremaine - Esther Hoskins
5. When the Legends Die - Hal Borland
6. Harry Potter & The Prisoner of Azkhban - J.K. Rowling
7. Holes - Louis Sachar
8. Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of Nimh - Robert C. O'Brien
9. A Sound of Thunder - Ray Bradburry
10. Harry Potter & The Sorcer's Stone - J.K. Rowling
Now I present that same list as Movie by Production Company:
1. The Giver - Coming 2005 - Walden Media
2. Magicians Nephew - Coming Soon - Walden Media
3. Lion Witch & Wardrobe - Coming 2005 - Walden Media
4. Johnny Tremaine - No Movie Adaptation
5. When the Legends Die - No Movie Adaptation
6. Harry Potter & The Prisoner of Azkhban - 2001 - Warner Brothers
7. Holes - 2003- Walden Media
8. Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of Nimh - 1982 - MGM
9. A Sound of Thunder - No Movie Adaptation
10. Harry Potter & The Sorcer's Stone - 2004 - Warner Brothers
A qucik survey shows their work on 4 out of 10 take out the 3 out of the 10 that have not been made and that puts them at nearly 60% of my list. Pretty Impressive Record if you ask me!
Tuesday, December 21, 2004
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (Book 6)
Chronicles of Narinia - First Peeks
Monday, December 20, 2004
TiVo Vs. Cable DVR - A Comparison
Please Enjoy
Friday, December 17, 2004
The New Persecution
I want to stress that this trial is a milestone in the growth of the church. Complacency and Apathy is the Hallmark of Christian Character today. In a time where Christian's are jailed for preaching the Bible: in a time when a student can be expelled for wearing a shirt that says "STRAIGHT": In a time where Christ has been LEGALLY removed from Christmas: In a time where the 10 commandments have been removed from the court room: and In a time where the declaration of independence has been deemed as "anti-American rhetoric" this attitude will be erradicated. Christianity is coming to a time of testing. We will lose jobs, homes, family members, and those who are uncommited to the faith they now claim.
Take heart in the words of Christ!
Matthew 5:10-12 - Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. “Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.
Luke 21:12-18 - “But before all this, they will lay hands on you and persecute you. They will deliver you to synagogues and prisons, and you will be brought before kings and governors, and all on account of my name. This will result in your being witnesses to them. But make up your mind not to worry beforehand how you will defend yourselves. For I will give you words and wisdom that none of your adversaries will be able to resist or contradict. You will be betrayed even by parents, brothers, relatives and friends, and they will put some of you to death. All men will hate you because of me. But not a hair of your head will perish. By standing firm you will gain life.
John 15:18-21 - “If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you. Remember the words I spoke to you: ‘No servant is greater than his master.’If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also. If they obeyed my teaching, they will obey yours also. They will treat you this way because of my name, for they do not know the One who sent me.
I encourage you to understand that when the law can no longer protect us from the strength of secularism we should welcome the "fire that refines" the church, and prepare ourselves for the day of trial.
Practical Steps -
1. Memorize Scripture - I think this is the first most important lesson, Bible's will be come scarce, implant as much of the word of God in your mind as possible.
2. Prepare Your Children - Make sure your children understand why we are different, why we are hated, and why we must stand firm.
3. Pray for Strength - The pain of the flesh must be subjected to the will of the Spirit. Pray for a prepared relationship with Christ, a dependence on the power of the comforter, and a fellowship with the father to withstand the suffering of the flesh.
4. Repent & Evangelize - We must clear out our own sin and weakness, and work to share the gospel with "as many as possible, as often as possible" to prepare for the impending day.
Thursday, December 16, 2004
So Why Keyhole is My Question...
Locations and Photos... I focused on this for a long time.... Maps.Keyhole.Com does not seem like all that practical of a money maker... So what is the connection. Then is hit me...I am focusing on locations and photos when the key is "indexes" Everything has always been about getting a backrub from the indexes.
Combine geographic indexes, and web indexes and targeted advertising takes on a whole new power. It is the Yellow Pages taken to a whole new level
Here is what I am saying. Have you seen the turn by turn insets in Rand McNally maps?
Now imagine if I was looking at the REAL INTERSECTION with my turn overlaid. Now that is a subscription service I could sink my teeth into.
Combine this with Verizon's Cellular DSL and the power to fly along my path on my screen, with my turn by turn directions. Add GPS and we have a whole new power!!!
This could be cool!!!
Tuesday, December 14, 2004
TiVo vs. Microsoft vs. the Set-Top Box
I think the analyst major flaw in awarding the win to MS is that to put programming in 2 rooms from HP/MS is $1700 and to put programming in 2 rooms from TiVo is as low as $160. Now even at the $20 a month difference to pay for programming on 2 units with TiVo that is over 6 years before the MS option has justified it's cost differential.
I am not buying electronics with a 6 year ROI.
Monday, December 13, 2004
Preschool Activities - EnchantedLearning.com
Thursday, December 09, 2004
The Nature of Gambling
The first is the subject of abortion. 5 years ago I felt that abortion though morally wrong was a civil right in a free society since it "did no harm" the measure that should callibrate crime. Alan Keyes in his 2000 presidential run convinced me that in fact, it was a civil wrong, since it did do harm to the most basic and most innocent of mankind the unborn, and they like all people were "endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness" This guarntee was co-opted as an offering to the gods of vanity and convience against the most vulnerable of our society .
The second issue that I have changed my mind on is the issue of gambling. In the past, I did feel it was wrong for a Christian to gamble if it was a problem that caused him or her to shirk responsibilty for his or her family that was ordained by God. However Chuck Miller - our minister at the West Chicago church convinced me that the sin of gambling was that it was capitalized on our flesh using all three lies of Satan. This point was well illustrated in an Agape Press article I read today where the author points out, "Gambling is always sinful because it emanates from a spiritual motive God summarily rejects."
The basis of gambling is to "gather gain" by expoliting others who have experienced loss. The LOSS by others is the fundamental problem that can not be ignored. It is a violation of the command to "love one another" if we steal from those in need by means of gambling.
These sins are so much at the heart of the falling of this great nation. We as a people and a nation will pay the judgment for the ongoing growth of these exploitations. We are at a crux where our choice is only to tear down these "high places" of abortion and gambling and seek God's revival in our hearts and lives.
Wednesday, December 08, 2004
Teachers - Are They Pulling Their Investments Out of Public Education
Here is the opening to the paper
Does it matter where public-school teachers send their own children to school? If so, how and why? What can we learn from them? What we are grappling with here is the question of connoisseurship. Stock analysts, for example, watch carefully when corporate directors buy or sell the stock of companies on whose boards they serve.
Similarly, we can assume that no one knows the condition and quality of public schools better than teachers who work in them every day. Teachers, it is reasonable to assume, care about education, are reasonably expert about it, and possess quite a lot of information about the schools in which they teach.
If these teachers are more likely than the general public (which may not have nearly as much information or expertise in these matters) to send their own daughters and sons to the public
schools in which they teach, it is a strong vote of confidence in those schools. If they do not, then we might reasonably conclude that those in the best position to know are signaling a trong “sell” about public education in their communities...
It is important to note that if those charged with education in this nation, do not trusts our government education systems, we as responsibile parents must find better educational solutions for our children. Whether that is home school or private school, this is another proof that government schools have failed.
TiVo - Should I Get One
I was not expecting to see it so quickly. I have had my first coworker ask my opinion on the Comcast DVR. So I guess this puts us in the last days of the kingdom of TiVo.
Tuesday, December 07, 2004
Another Example of UN Corruption
We should leave Annan in power, but take our membership, military, and fiscal resources. The U.N. is bad for America, this defiance is just another example of why.
Wednesday, December 01, 2004
Is TiVo the "Beta" of DVR
Wednesday, November 24, 2004
The Aquarium in Nashville!
Sent wirelessly via BlackBerry from T-Mobile. Edited on Blogger
Tuesday, November 23, 2004
In Service of the Savior
Starting next week in our Bible Study at Work we are going to be studying the book of Hebrews. We have just finished a 1.5 year study of Genesis through 2 Kings, and so I decided it would be the most appropriate time to look at my favorite book by Barnabas. I see Hebrews as one of the first "great theological works" of the church. The imagery and connection of the mosaic levitical traditions to the sacrifice of Christ is a basic primer for most understanding of the necessity and responsibilty to cherish the O.T. We need the Old Covenant as the schoolmaster to the New Covenant. Hebrews teaches us how our deep love of Christ and commitment to his service is the fulfilment for God's plan for mankind.
I have finsihed my study guide for the first 2 chapters. I will post the other 11 over the coming days and weeks.
Hebrews 1 - RTF - PDF
Hebrews 2 - RTF - PDF
Saturday, November 20, 2004
At the Picture People
We are getting our pics taken for our Christmas Cards. We are in overalls and they look like they are going to be very cute. Which we can not say about the ones of the 2 of them.
Sent wirelessly via BlackBerry from T-Mobile. - Edited Later Via Blogger
Friday, November 19, 2004
Lee Strobel - Faith Under Fire
BlackBerry Test
Sent wirelessly via BlackBerry from T-Mobile.
Congress wants to make me a Criminal
The provision of this bill that most affects all of us a law abiding citizens is the part of the bill that makes it illegal to fast forward through commericals.
I believe in freedom of association. I believe in freedom of choice in the privacy of ones home. I do not believe the government should involve itself in matters that go on in the privacy of my home that hurt no one but me. I also do not think the government shoudl be involved in corporate welfare.
This is corporate welfare. If advertisers feel they are not getting a bang for buck, then find new ad streams. As much as I am annoyed at Tivo for their new technology to prevent me from ad skipping this is the route advertisers need to use, not legislation. This is an assualt on freedom.
Senate May Ram Copyright Bill
Why the Intellectual Property Protection Act is lame and what you can do about it - Engadget - www.engadget.com
Is ‘Fair Use’ in Peril?
Senate may Vote on Copyright Bill
Warning - Is TiVo the new Benedict Arnold?
With the new Microsoft DVR coming out I think this is a very bad move for TiVo. I love my TV on my schedule. Part of my schedule however is being able to fast forard the ads.
I would plead with TiVo not to betray us!
Tuesday, November 16, 2004
Ron Paul - The Middle East Quagmire
I need to add and say so much. There is so little time. I agree 97.5% with what Dr. Paul says here.
Town Hall Conservatives - A Conversation On Secession
I liked the 3D map. Regardless, I was toying with the idea of discussingthe left's silly secession talk in a more serious manner. (serious from ascenario Point of View)Why not let the "blue Archipelago" secede? Not in a warlike manner, but ina negotiated settlement.1. Open borders and immigration for tourism & work.2. They keep their Federal tax dollars and do with it what they will3. The USA receives payment for joint defense4. They can place tolls on trade through their ports5. They become financially responsible for all their social pathologies &troubled population6. They get the 9th circuit and their own constitution.Tens of millions of liberal votes immediately lopped off the country.Let them see how their ideas play out, and we do the same.It's the reimposition of "federalism" by other means. It would take about2-5 years for both sides to decide "reunification" was in both ourinterests.
I began arguing for support of West Coast secession about 9 years ago now. I personally feel that it would be the first step to a return to federalism on multiple levels. First, we need a practical method for stopping judicial abuse of the constitution. I believe secession, gives us that in a practical methodology to hold the courts accountable for their actions. Secondly, I believe that states should be responsible for almost all spending and taxation, and I think that secession talk would redirect spending to more local levels.
I have always seen two BIG problems however, citizenry and existing debt. Does a person lose their U.S. Citizenship immediately because they happen to live along the west coast, or is there a 3 year joint citizenship to allow for job search and relocation. As far as existing debt goes, is the remainder of the nation stuck with all existing debt, though some if not much was spent on pork barreled legislation for these states?
In addition to my 2 problems, there are also issues of tolls and tariffs on our ports (even if land ports) from their nation, and the issue of how a joint defense would work.
Just my thoughts,
Kevin J. Bowman
I can appreciate your frustration, but our country was through this beforesome time ago, called the civil war. Even though it is a political war,well, I firmly believe more of we conservatives need to be taking back thecountry from the liberals or before it slips out of our control, however youwant to percieve it at this point. I still think that we have control forthe most part, but caution is advised because of all these liberal rulingsthat are coming out of California.It is discouraging, and unfortunately I don't have much influence out inCalifornia; however, being active in IL GOP and Cook County GOP and my localward organization makes me feel better about fighting the good fight.
Gary Karlin
Chicago, IL
We don't have to have a civil war; secession can be voluntary.
The problem with citing the Civil War is that it was not a result of secession, but instead it was the result of preventing secession. It was also the end of the federal republic. I know I will anger some people saying this here, but I am going forward anyway. The Civil War is the birth of our current liberal state because it resulted in a transition from a federal republic to a national democracy.
Look at the Amendments passed in the wake of the Civil War (ended 1865)
14th Amendment (1866)– Eliminated property ownership as a responsibility of voters and based voting on age alone.
15th Amendment (1869) – Centralized citizenship from a state responsibility to a national responsibility.
16th Amendment (1909) – Centralized ability of national government to levy taxes on all sources of income.
17th Amendment (1912) – Election of senators transfer from State Legislator to general population
Within 50 years this country was no longer a republic of states, it was a national democracy.
Allowing secession gives us the framework, as lovers of social and economic liberty, to reverse the tide, by undoing the Spirit of nationalism that the mandatory statehood resulted in. A nation without a working framework for secession, has no possibility of holding the national government liable.
Do not get me wrong, I love this country, all 50 states of it, as it exists today. That does not mean I condone the methods and resulting consequences of those methods that were used to maintain the union. I believe a free republic, the way our founding fathers saw it, would persevere in the long run if we allowed states the ability to test the waters outside of a national framework.
Kevin Bowman
I will include more as the conversation continues.
Messages edited to prevent publication of private email addresses
Skip The Theatre: Amazon.com & the 48-Hour DVD
I think this technology has only a little more hope than DIVX unless the manufacturer is able to capitalize on 2 potential usages of this technology. The movie night and the family trip.
MOVIE NIGHT: Movies are released like the Noel movie using Amazon or another online retailer for a price that cheaper than but competitve with 2 people going to a movie ($12-$15). The 2 considerstions is delivery must be exact. DVD must be delivered on opening day, not 1 before or 1 after! This allows me to save the money of a babysitter and still be ready to discuss the newest movie on Monday when I get back to work.
THE FAMILY TRIP: DVDs get ruined in my car. So on older movies, that have been released to DVD in other formats. I think a $3-$5 purchase of a DVD that is going to work for the life of trip, and then get thrown away with the McD's cups and crushed crayons when we get home is a well spent few dollars rather than ruining a $17 Disney movie. The drawback here is I need 72 hours so we get the whole weekend covered.
I wont be trading in my Blockbuster.com membership, but I will definitely be visiting Disney's EZ-D store before my next road trip.
Now about that 72 Hours...
Monday, November 15, 2004
Tickets Pleasse - The Polar Express Is Phenomnal
Thursday, November 11, 2004
November 11, 1992
On a completely unrelated note - Happy Birthday Nate!
Big Green Takes On The Little Screen
Now I love a good fight and this is the Iwo Jima of DVR contests. Tivo has the fortified bunkers, the top of the mountain, and the garrisons of soldiers. Microsoft has the air and naval power, the strength of the Allies, and the will to neutralize any enemy.
Time will tell if the Big Green can overtake the Little Screen.
Wednesday, November 10, 2004
The 2004 County Electoral Map
Here are 2 Red Blue Maps
Election result maps
He-Man (2006)
Sport Billy did exist!
Last week I was having a conversation about the great cartoons of our childhood. On the list was of course Smurfs, He-Man, and Ghostbusters. I however, also icluded Sport Billy. Everyone in the room stared at me blankly. "I loved Sport Billy...You know USA Cartoon Express?" Still the blankly stared. Well thanks to the internet and the Television From The Eighties: Cartoons archive. I found my proof!
Friday, November 05, 2004
Friday Evening Plans
On A side note: Yahoo Movies has the new Ocean's Tweleve trailer
Thursday, November 04, 2004
2008 Democratic Presidential Classified
Guess they are going to practice party nepotsim and choose Hillary, rather than a canidate that meets the qualifications of their Classified.
Do Moral issues drive voters?
WorldNetDaily: Moral issues drove voters
Wednesday, November 03, 2004
No Price For MediaShout
California's - Stem cell research funding
Despite the fact that stem cell research is morally wrong and as Jill Stanek points out is a modern form of cannibalsim that is not the issue that most confounds me about this. I understand the American worship of narcism, that feeds this ideology that accepts human embryonic stem cell research.
What most confounds me is why we want the government, who will not get the profits from the victories, to fund it. California has approved corporate welfare for Merk, Baxter, and the rest of the pharmacutical companies.
When these pharmacuetical companies do get somewhere with this research we will only hear more about the rising cost of health care, and the need for a centralized health care system to pay for the exborant cost of costly medical procedure.
Make no mistake, this research will be on our backs both ways!
Argyle Me This Batman
Bedtime 3:00ish
Election night is so stressfull for me.
Tuesday, November 02, 2004
Bush - Keyes - Hyde
In the whole scheme of things, I'd rather have a tax and spend liberal than a self-deprecating, America hating, international whore mongering communist. So the Prez got my ticket!
Presentation Manager - $275 of Kewlness
Friday, October 29, 2004
Stupid People Should Not Voye

Now I think whoever is circulating this flyer is rude and using methods of voter influence that lack character. However Daily Kos tries to make the Republican party out to be evil becuase of it.
I have just a few comments on that issue.
1. If you are STUPID enough to believe this flier you are to stupid to make an informed vote anyway.
2. If you think that this makes the Republican evil while the AFL-CIO is hiring goons to raid Republican headquarters and that is ok you are to stupid to vote.
3. I personally feel this is the work of a jaded cynic rather than an organized effort by any political party or group (unlike the AFL-CIO goons)
I think that a true republic government that has no place for the voice of the stupid is would be a blessing!
ZD NET - 7 out of 10 for HD Tivo
Taboo and The Art of Societal Maintainance
It is strange how the secularist have managed to Co-opt not only religious and political discourse but also academic and scientifc discourse as well (though not discussed in this article).
A crystal ball into the future of American society needs only to look at how secularism is rotting France, Germany and yes even England from the insides out. We are only a few generations behind France and Germany, and probably only a single generation behind England. It is too late for the French and Germans. They will be athestic marxist states within 50-80 years. Ourselves and the English still have the ability and responsibilty to turn the tide back, and save ourselves from a Marxist destruction.
I do not believe it is going to happen. I believe that our Marxist future is a result of God's judgement, and it would require repentance and humilty to redeem this nation back. I think Americans lack the moral integrity and strength of character to resist the narcistic pleasure that secularism brings, and so we will follow the lead of our European friends, and find ourselves barrelling forward to the the "perfect Marxist society."
My Sick Family
Anna - Definitely the worst with a bad cold and lack of ability to sleep.
Ella - We are performing our own internal tests on her for a wheat allergy, right now it looks like she in fact has a wheat allergy.
Christi - Very run down (gee I wonder why) and suffering from a cold & headache herself. Drinking lots of FRESH orange juice.
So that is the summary of my sick family.
Wednesday, October 27, 2004
Advertisers- TiVo is not the enemy
I think this is a GREAT concept for those who want to participate. My problem here is that Variety assumes that TiVo is the enemy. TiVo is not the enemy, bad commericals are. I own 3 TiVos (2 Production / 1 Test) and it is the ONLY way I watch television. I ALWAYS go back and watch a commerical that catches my eye as I am fast forwarding. If the advertiser does his job right, I see his commerical.
People also need to remember how ads started on Televison, placing the ad contextually within the show will ALWAYS be a more powerful means of advertising anyway. If all ads were product placed, then as I am watching 24 on DVD right now, I would still be seeing these ads. That would make the advertisers far more happy anyway.
Tuesday, October 26, 2004
John Kerry Endorsements
Monday, October 25, 2004
Even a Socialist should not be spurned!
This is a joke, that if occuring by mistake should have been corrected IMMEDIATLY, but more to the point, seems to have been intentional fraud, in the press' unwillingness to reprint. I hope that Cegelis is able to get justice for this act of unreasonable agression against her campaign. Even a socialist should be given the fair protection of law!
Monday, October 18, 2004
Keyes, Independence, & Abortion
PLEASE understand, there is no issue in this election, that will bring us into the judgement of God, that will result in vengenance, like this issue. God will call America into account for this issue and the lack of moral clarity that allows this position to be held.
Get the Code Amber Ticker
Beautiful Spam Control With A Great Name
Tuesday, October 12, 2004
Columbus Day Retreat 2004
We had a prayer walk on Friday Night. Where each of the teens walked to seven stations and prayed, and spent time in the word individually. This event ended with our communion service. Our communion service, was not as "flowing" and powerful as I would have liked; I believe this was partly because of half of the counselors I was sent from York, sat in the back and talked like junior high kids. I was SO UPSET!!!!
I talked to MANY of the campers about the counselors from York. Overall it was a pretty disppointing choice. As I said, they talked through our communion service, they were all gathered in a group,on more than one occassion, not even at the location we had the campers, and the kids complained that they felt like the Yorkies did not want to interact with them. There were a few exceptions, but for the most part, the college students were just VERY distant and VERY uninvolved.
On Sunday night, we had a Temptation Walk, and the kids I talked to, all loved it and had a blast while doing it. The York students were definitely a great assest in it, and did a good job of hamming up the role of the demons. In the Temptation Walk, the kids learned 7 verses, that they had to use as they encountered and figured out the type of demon that was tempting them along their walk.
All in all, I loved the session, and felt the kids did too.
Wednesday, October 06, 2004
More GMail Suggestions
1. POST TO BLOGGER - The ability to connect my Blogger account and GMail account so that I can post an email I recieve, or send directly to Blogger. I think it should be a small text box that allows me to add a comment and then post the text of the email directly to my Blog!
2. EXPANDED ARCHIVE - 1 GB is just not going to be enough! I am at 2 days and 8MB at that rate I will be out of archive space in less than 9 months. I am thinking $5 for each extra Gig per year. At that rate, In 10 years, I am only at $75 a year for EVERY email I have recieved. That is $6.25 a month well spent!
Tuesday, October 05, 2004
Moore Foolishness from Flint, MI
On his misinformatizion blog today MM attacked yet another fundamental of American liberty. Private ownership and the patent system. MM propogates his continued hatred against personl freedom by clarifying his opinions against intellectual ownership.
Blue Collared workers everywhere should be VERY AFRAID of Mr. Moore and his ideas that will ensue a mass exodus of off shore labor by those who want to use their newly freed information to make products in nations all over the world that do not have Unions, Minimums Wages, and Social Security to pay. After all in a free and "Moore Perfect Society." Government will provide for all of us to live at his high class standard of living while our GNP is bottomed out by a combination of free information and non-socialist production.
Thank you Mr. Moore for yet another extremely intelligent idea!
I am hoping by this point you have read the previously refrenced blog article and realize I have villified Mr. Moore by taking a sentence ut of context and exploiting the literal words rather than the actual ideas he was propagating. I created the entire illusion of this attack by using one sentence without the remaining thoughts to contextualize and balance the statement.
Please remember as you listen to Michael Moore and those like him in the media how easy it is to use one sentence out of context to sink a canidate by misrepresntation that amounts to lies!
Disgusted By Nickjr.com
A: Good jobs for everybody - Government does not make jobs, businesses do and when Leftist ideas punish businesses for success while sending foreign aid and subsidies to business in nations across the world, they do only their small part to destroy jobs.
B: Lower health care costs - The idea that Government is responsible for the burden of care after a lifetime of irresponsible nutrional and physical choices is another example of the stupidfication of America..
C: End the war - They just keep getting better... Our enemies started this war, and victory is the means to the future of liberty for the genrations to come. Only a fool would surrender to these Islamic Jihadist for the sake of an illusion of peace.
D: Improve education - If they mean abolish the Department of Education and return responsiblity for the intellectual and moral upbringing of children to the God ordained structure of the family, then yes, I am all for improving education. However since we know they are much more about continuing the pocketboook padding principles of the current educations system this kind of improvement I can do without.
E: Make everybody safe - What does that mean? If any moron clicks that option they deserve to have their right to vote on account of an IQ too low to form cognent thought. THERE IS NO WAY IN THIS LIFE TO MAKE EVERYONE SAFE!
F: Better day care options - This is called commerce and responsibilty. You as a parent will have to take the RESPONSIBILTY to find a business that meets the needs you are looking for in a child care facilty. After all adding one more social program to our already over-bloated socialist state will do nothing but lower the standards of choices provided by daycares that choose to be competive for parents demanding quality.
G: Demand a recount! - I will demand a recount if any of the idiots who compiled this survey get elected!
If these are the only issues being considered by the vast majority of parents in America, then we are in even deeper trouble than I have previously imagined.
GMail is Google For My Email!
Now I have written MANY blog entries on my desire to have Google for my email. Knowing that GMail could give me this I still was not excited since I wanted my Outlook and I wanted all my plethora of email addresses.
Then today, needing some indexed information from an old email, I was drawn to consider the possibilty of G-Mail again. Then as I was looking around my settings in my G-Mail account I found "Forward Mail To" with "Move to G-Mail Archive" as a new feature from the G-Mail people. This would be great if it worked like a forwarder that had no bearing on the From field. So I did some test, and KAPOW!!! It did!!!
So I configured all my accounts to forward to G-Mail, then G-Mail forwards to a masked account, that my Outlook checks! When Outlook sends it uses the real address so replies go through G-Mail before they come back to me.
This is AWESOME!!!
A few suggestions if Google was asking my opinion.
1. Allow me to import my 3 years worth of deleted items into my archive. This way the power would be retroactive as well. They could configure to accept a PST file import.
2. Allow me to import my 3 years worth of sent items into my G-Mail sent folder.
3. Figure out an ON-Going way to continue monitoring my Sent folder.
4. Use their Spam filters so that they do not forward the Spam, and only forward the good stuff!
Just my few little suggestions.
UPDATE: If you agree with my suggestions make them here
CNSNews.com:: Saddam Possessed WMD
Thursday, September 30, 2004
A "Miracle Drug"
Can Croc blood really have an affect on the himan immune system, seems intresting to me at least.
TiVo-Netflex Engagement - It's Official
If you have not yet bought your TiVo, make sure you buy one soon. The future of entertainment is TiVo.
Tuesday, September 28, 2004
Maya Keyes - An Honest Answer & Analysis
Personally I think that this is SUCH a non-issue anyway. The left will never be able to understand that truth is irrelevant to family opinion. Whether Dr. Keyes' daughter is a lesbian or not has no bearing on his statements against homosexual marriage. When one use the Bible as the basis of their moral code, rather than gallup polls and trend charts, their surroundings do not possess the ability to change their moral principle.
The next few days are going to be rough in the Keyes camp. I only hope that through this the press will be able to have a more full understanding of Dr. Keyes' basis of truth.
Sunday, September 26, 2004
A Blessing To Be With Youth
This is the first time since I left full time ministry I have spent a weekend w/ the kids without responsibilty. At camp I am too busy preparing things to make the camp a success to actually be with the kids. This weekend however, I was only there to be with the youth. This time with the teens was such a blessing. It made me miss youth ministry a lot. I love those kids, and I loved spending time with them. Wsat a blessing God blessed me with to alow me to be with the teens this weekend.
Friday, September 24, 2004
How To Build A Campaign Yard Sign
Step 2: Place sign frame in the ground.
Step 3: Place bag (actual sign) over frame.
Step 4: Staple top over frame making sure to push the back staple stop forward with your finger.
Step 5: Staple bottom of sign three times.
Step 6: Remove from ground and place in completed pile.
So last night I spent 4 hours with a group of other volunteers building yard signs for the Keyes for Senate campaign. As a group of about 8 people we assembled probably 300 signs in that time period. In the midst of that we aso had an enjoyable dialog with one of the hosts neighbors. Poor guy was WAY out classed in the debate. The actual host of the sign building event (his neighbor) had him for lunch, and in the occasional weak moment from her, there were 3 others of us waiting to back her up and take him. He did not stand a chance.
All together it was a fun evening!
Thursday, September 23, 2004
Dan Rather and George Bush
given documents he thought were true
failed to thoroughly investigate the facts
reported documents to the American people as true to make his case
when confronted with the facts, apologized and launched an investigation
number of Americans dead: 0
should be fired as CBS News Anchor
George W. Bush, President of the United States
given documents he thought were true
failed to thoroughly investigate the facts
reported documents to the American people as true to make his case
when confronted with the facts, continued to report untruth and stonewalled an investigation
number of Americans dead: 1100
should be given four more years as President of the United States -Phil Short
It should be noted in the president’s defense. That given documents by the CIA an given documents by an unknown source should be judged a little differently.
Don’t get me wrong. I do not think Dan Rather needs to be fired. It was a mistake and it is self serving conservatives calling for his dismissal.
I also think though that the President needs to be defended in the war on terror. I believe very firmly in the Non-Aggression principle. This principle must be called into question when the security and soil of our nation is take. If we were automonous non-interventionist as we should be people would leave us alone. However as long as the LEFT wants us to be an ATM for developing nations, then the hatred against our nation is going to continue and we are going to need to defend our selves.
Wednesday, September 22, 2004
Tivo test seems to be very soon!
Training Day For QuickBid
Tuesday, September 21, 2004
A New Christmas Tradition
I think this is going to be a GREAT Christmas for Ella. I am very excited about that and about her age this year.
Friday, September 17, 2004
Alan Keyes Red Parade T-Shirts
Thursday, September 16, 2004
I Am
I am an evangelical Christian, fiscal conservative, and social libertarian.
Tuesday, September 14, 2004
It sets the real context of liberty that anyone with a basic
understanding of God's will and God's purposes for man should be
able to simply understand. It is sadly apparent that Mr. Obama,
Mayor Daley, and Senator Kerry do not have that apprently BASIC
understanding of God
A Good Article Against Keyes
Monday, September 13, 2004
Meeting & Defending The Dr.
Sunday night after church I was defending Dr. Keyes to a member of our church who thought Dr. Keyes was a "Psycho" and yet supportted the Federal Marriage Amendment, his pro-life stand, and his fiscal policies. This means by my analysis this man is going to vote for Barak Obama on account of the liberal media's anti Keyes bias though he agrees with Keyes in principle on all major issues. Go figure. I disagree with Dr. Keyes on the Federal Marriage Amendment, and on some of his fiscal stands; he disagrees with Dr. Keyes on nothing and I am the one voting and campaigning for him, and he is supporting that socialist baby killer. OH Well, makes no sense to me.
Kerry's Lack Of Constitutional Understanding
Friday, September 10, 2004
The Keyes Selfish Hedonist Mp3
My T-Shirt is On Keyes Official campaign website
OK enough already! I am EXCITED to say that my ILLINOIS NEEDS ALAN KEYES t-shirt is being offered on the
Alan Keyes for Senate :: Official campaign website YIPEE!!!!
I love Dr. Keyes. I am SOOOOOO sad that I missed my oppurtunity to meet him last Saturday. (You see he and William Shatner were going to be hanging out at this Celebrity Paintball event. As part of my thank you for the GREAT price I gacve the charity on printing, I was supposed to get to meet William Shattner and Alan Keyes was going to be there at that time slot. But my kids were at camp and so sadly I missed my oppurtunity to meet Dr. Keyes to spend a weekend with the teens at camp. I love the teens, I love camp, and I have no regrets.... I am just a little sad.
Anyway, my shirts are up there... and I am going to try and meet him tommorow morning!
Wednesday, September 08, 2004
$100 For Portable TV
Tuesday, September 07, 2004
News: TiVo and Netflix to Team Up
If you have a home wireless network, and do not yet have a TiVo, you need to change, this makes it so there is no reason not to but a Tivo.
Saturday, September 04, 2004
The Froggy Was Poofed Into Cash
Allow me to explain. We were out at camp tonight and at about 7:30 PM I found a frog and allowed Ella to hold it. She held it and held it and held it until 9:40- when it was time to leave for home. Now I had no intention of her bringing a frog home and she had no intention of the frog staying at camp. She had become VERY attached and a fight somehow did not seem right.
So how to fix a perplexing problem we were faced with. The idea was suggested and implemented. I stole the frog from her backpack where she had placed it for a safe ride home. I replaced the froggy w/ a $1 dollar bill and rezipped the bag closed. When we arrived home and Ella looked inside the bag. There instead of a frog, was $1 for riding the rides at the mall. Excitement followed and Ella recieved a great present. Ella was quite excited by the niceness and care demonstrated by her fairy doll.
Of course, Ella being my little entrpenuer, is now determined to find MORE frogs, an entire froggy family that she can put in her bag and have turned into cash.
Friday, September 03, 2004
Labor Day Retreat
A Great Article on Secularism
A Mr. Peanut Spoof Ad
Now that would be a funny, funny ad. Anybody want to start the "Move Peanut Head On" 527 with me!
If I had been the republicans I'd put Senator Miller back on the platform again! If I'd have been the democrats I would have sent Mr. Peanut home.
Which brings me to another point if you put a top hat and an eye piece on Senator Kerry you could not tell a difference between his face and Mr. Peanut. My guess is the inside is about the same as well, peanuts for brains.
Thursday, September 02, 2004
Senator Zell Miller Was ON FIRE!!!
This man deserves truly deserves the title of Statesman. Thank you Mr. Miller!
A Selfsih Hedonist
"OUCH!!!" I feel this accusation was inflamatory and would have been better left unspoken. Being a social conserative is not a license to be impolite. Stating truth that her decisions are sinful before God, defy the biological basis for life, and are a perversion of the beautiful gift of sexuality would have all been more appropriate statements that the words he chose to inflame the gay/lesbian community.
This does not change my feelings, my support, and my allegiance to Ambassador Keyes. I merely am stating that I believe as statement of fact, rather than a judgement of character would have been a more appropriate response in his situation.
ON THE FLIP SIDE HOWEVER - I feel Greta Van Sustren was VERY WRONG on her show last night when she stated that the no republican should vote for Dr. Keyes after a comment like that. PLEASE!!!! A canidate can claim the "I am a Gay American Defense" and be shrouded in a white cloak that shields the worlds eyes from their fraud and deception, but make a rude comment back the other direction and she contends you should be ostracized and removed from the ballot.
Tuesday, August 31, 2004
The Convention Is A Potemkin village
Now perhaps I am revealing my own deplorable ignorance here, but I decided I needed to look up in the dictionary what a Potemkin village was that both sides wanted to go accusing the other of building one.
After a through reading of both the Ameircan Heritage and dictionary.com definition I have 1 word for both Mr. Hannity and Sen. Clinton, "DUH!!!!" I mean what is the convention if not the best sounding rhetoric of the party. Politics as a whole is a Potemkin village. This accusation does not carry much weight for me on either side.
Ben Stein's Final Thoughts
"We are not responsible for the operation of the universe, and what happens to us is not terribly important. God is real, not a fiction, and when we turn over our lives to Him, he takes far better care of us than we could ever do for ourselves.
In a word, we make ourselves sane when we fire ourselves as the directors of the movie of our lives and turn the power over to Him."
Monday, August 30, 2004
Ron Silver Was My Highight of The Evening
Some Highlights that touched me:
We will never forget
We never Forgive
We will never excuse
History shows we are not imperialist, but we are fighters for freedom and democracy.
General Dwight Eisenhower's statement if 6o years ago is true today, "United in this determination, and with unshakeable faith in the cause for which we fight, we will with God's help go forward to our greatest victory.
PS- I love TiVo
A Quick Layout Note
Terrorist Turn On France
I will say however as I see the Islamics turn on France, (Kevin' hangs his head in shame) "We are in the midst the third world war. I was wrong. Both the terrorist organizations and those nations which support terrorist organizations through funding or through the sale of arms are infact the enemies of this war. We must as in all times of war defeat these Islamic Jihadist for the sake of our future. We must not "depreacate agitation", but instead embrace the price of bloodshed necesary for the pursuit of freedom from tyranny. "
Friday, August 27, 2004
The 'I am a gay American' defense
Threatened with a sexual harassment lawsuit by his alleged male lover, having appointed him, a thoroughly unqualified man, as homeland security advisor at a time when America, in particular, the New York metropolitan area, is threatened with horrific terror and with any number of other instances of corruption already revealed and more likely to come out, Governor McGreevey saw the future and realized he had to resign from office. -
Dennis Prager: The 'I am a gay American' defense
This like so many of Mr. Pragers articles is an absolutely fabulous attack on the liberal double minded lack of reason.
I agree with EVERYTHING Mr. Prager says in this article until the very last paragraph.
No politician should have to resign from office because he committed an infidelity. But gay politicians should be held to the same standards as straight ones. Otherwise, "I am a gay American" will continue be a great defense, even when it may not even be true.
All politicians who do not have the strngth of character to refrain from infedlity and fornication should be forecefully removed from office by constituents. If a man can not contain his will to fornicate, how can he be entrusted with any issure at the public's hand.
Alan Keyes On Foreign Policy
Right or Wrong, Dr. Keyes as always lays it out eloquently.
My Stand on Illegal Immigration
Wednesday, August 25, 2004
Eating By God's Design
God prescribes 3 items designed for food to mankind in the Garden. Seed Bearing Plants, Fruits, and Green Plants. This was God's design for diet before the Fall. God's will was a world without death, a land of peace, so all animals ate the way God designed their bodies to eat, Vegtables, Fruits, and Leaves. With time, death entered God's creation and the consumption of meat entered with it. Thi consumption went on from the Fall tothe Flood when God blessed the eating of meating.
One could argue however, that this is not what the body was made for. The body was made for eating fresh, raw, fruits vegetables and seeds. When we eat any other food we violate God's design for our body.
So then, am I saying that I believe it is wrong to eat meat? By no means. I am saying that it is a violation of God's design and therefore lacks VALUE. Only those things we designed to dine on can be a blessing to our bodies. I love meat as I also love potato chips. One has no problem understanding why the later is without value, but the meat too, since it is in violation of God's design is without positive value to the body.
So why Kevin are you on this tangent, you may be asking? The reason is I have had 2 encounters today that has reminded of our need to submit to God's dietary designs. 1st I was visited by my friend who is only 6 months older than me, yet he has been on Anti-Biotics for 14 months now with no plans to stop, and only dietary changes necessary to stop the pain. 2nd my brother left me a voice message about being diagnosed with a Gluten Allergy. As though of you know who know me I too am allergic to Gluten. I spent several months as a vegetarian. I juiced 3 times a day and ate olny salads and cooked vegetable in addition to that. That time brought GREAT healing to my body. When I gave the body the things God designed it to have, and eliminated the things that were luxuries and of no value. I was able to heal.
I can now tolerate small amounts of wheat with no affect. I beleieve, although I have lacked the disipline to practice my belief to this point, that with a longer period of healing foods, I could eliminate this sickness all together. Someday I will have the strangth to discover if that is the case.
Monday, August 23, 2004
No Child Left Behind
><> ><> ><>
Of course you probably see the dangers with this kind of legislation mores so than I do, but I have been railing against this kind of Government Centric ideology for years. I am especially against NCLB, the DOE and all State (FEDERAL) Sponsorship of education. I live in Roselle, a town bragged on for it’s great schools. Yet the Feds (who have NO BUSINESS in education at all) have decided I live in a failing district.
The provision is problematic for administrators at Lake Park High School, a one-school district in Roselle. Classes started Wednesday, and if the school remains on the failing list, officials will have to negotiate an agreement with a neighboring district to provide students with a choice.
Lake Park District 108 administrators said they believe they were placed on the list because special-education and Latino students failed to meet state standards in math and science, but "we're still waiting" for official word from the state, said spokeswoman Terry Ryan. -Chicago Tribune
The foolishness of this is that it is the direct result of people allowing the decisions that most affect their lives to be made at the highest levels of government. In a free republic (which we are under the constitution) the weight of importance of a matter lowers the level of government of which decisions and funding should come. There is possibly NO issue more than important to the heart of a parent than education. My small house in Roselle, cost more than a house with about 800 – 1000 square feet more in Aurora mostly because of the reputation of the schools. People will pay to live in a district that they see will be the right choice for their child’s future. That is the way it should be.
Now I am MOST FEVERENTLY a supporter of Private or Home education. I believe that a parent should decide the type of education their child receives. I plan on using a combination of these two methodologies for my child. But the problem that allows for a program like NCLB to exist is that most parents do not want to spend the fiscal resources, or show the personal responsibility to make the best choice for their child’s education.
I hope the NCLB does crash from it’s own weight. I hope that more and more people remove their children from the States failed education systems. I hope that the responsibility of education returns where it belongs, to the home and to the community.
Just my rant!
PS – The crappy part is that the feds don’t send all that much money anyway to fund their ridiculous program.
Sunday, August 22, 2004
A Timely Prayer
Father of Life
King of Peace
The creation is your glory.
Mankind your hands masterpiece.
We praise you Great Physician
For the healing of our bodies
and the bodies of those we love.
We praise you Mighty Counselor
For the healing of the nations.
You Oh Lord are the Giver of Grace
and neither death nor life
nor angels, nor rulers
nor things present, nor things to come,
nor powers, nor height, nor depth,
nor anything else in all creation
will seperate us from your love.
You Oh Lord are a Slave Master,
Yet You have offered Freedom and Adoption.
You Oh Lord come in Righteousness to Make War.
Your Robe is dipped in Blood!
A Sword comes from your mouth.
You will rule the nations with an Iron Rod.
You will crush the nations with Fury.
You are King og Kings and Lord of Lords.
And We, your church
We offer up our lives to you.
We offer up our friendships to you.
We offer up our nation to you.
We offer all to you.
For you are coming soon.
For you are the Great I AM.
For you are GOD!
Protect us.
Forgive us.
Refine us.
Redeem u.s
For yours is the Glory Forever
Friday, August 20, 2004
Bigger Government is Our Failure
"We want everybody's attention to stay focused on the report and its recommendations because the status quo failed us," she said. -Assoc. Press
We were not failed on September 11th. We have been failed by those who have used the tragedy of that day as a means to steal the liberty of our people. In a free society those who wish to grow and prosper that society and those who wish to destroy must all be free together. We were not failed on September 11th.
We were not failed on September 11th. We have been failed by those who cried out against the liberties that allowed a tragedy like that to take place. We have been failed by those who see continued degrading of the second amendment as a way to protect America. We have been failed by those who feel more cabinets, more stafffs, and mopre government is needed because of that day. We were not failed on September 11th.
We were not failed on September 11th. The failure of America was in the apathy to the blood that must be shed in the name of liberty in the years and months before the tragedy. The failure was in the months and years since the tragedy where that apathetic surrender of liberty has pursued. That day America was angry, proud, valiant, and nobel. That day America was united one nation endowed by their creator. That day America was in her glory. We were not failed on September 11th.
Monday, August 16, 2004
Rushville, IL
If you ever have nothing to do and want to visit nowhere, check out Rushville. Wonderful people in the middle of nowhere.
Wednesday, August 11, 2004
The MASH Quiz
Why I Am Excited About Dr. Keyes
I want to address this so there are no questions about my loyalty to this campaign from any of them.
About 4 years I got out and there and worked the events, worked the streets, gathered names, handed out buttons, literature and bumper stickers during the primaries season. I was very upset with the lack of fiscal conserativeness I saw from the party. I was upset with the over whelming RINO nature of the party, and I was upset with the social policies being popularized by republicans claiming to be from the party of Lincoln. All in all I had lost all faith in moderates. So there I was working the primary campaign of the last vestibule of true conserative constitutional federalism I saw as a player in the party. I was campaigning for Dr. Keyes.
When the party saw fit to award the nomination to a moderate RINO I gave up on finding hope from within the halls of the GOP. So for the last four years I have considered myself more closely associated with the libertarians than with the National GOP RINOs.
I do believe that George W. Bush is BAD for our economy. I beleieve that under his presidency we have seen government grown as bad as under any Democrat president. He has allowed for the expansion of Clinton's socialist programs. He has signed further socialism into law.
In addition to my issues with his moderate concessions to socialism, I believe he also lost focus on the War on Terror. That is a war to bring down those who are actively working to endanger American lives.
The answer to Americas safety is not in spending money the federal government has stolen from my hardwork to build infrastructure throughout Iraq. It is to find find the antibiotic necessary to take down the entire structure of the terroris organizations.
But I digress.....
I am not back on board with the GOP. I am on board with Dr. Keyes. The GOP must see the only sustainable future this nation has is to embrace the principles of liberty that Jefferson, Madison, and yes Dr. Keyes stand for.
Monday, August 09, 2004
Alan Keyes Blog
I am making a donation back the campaign for every shirt I sell. If you are really a hardcore supporter of Mr. Keyes and want a shirt but can't afford the $10 drop me an email with Alan Keyes shirt in the subject line and we will see what we can do together.
Please buy one of these shirts and let the state know who our next Senator needs to be.
Christi and I went to the Alan Keyes Rally yesterday in Arlington Heights. It was awesome. He is such a talented speaker and so well thought out. He is truly the kind of leadership I hope the people of Illinois have the insight to send to Washington as our Senator.
He deftly answered his reasons for carpetbagging in Illinois with his moral obligation to oppose the murderous agenda of Barak Obama's love of full birth abortions. It is a shame that anyone would support the killing of a living human in the name of convience.
I hope the people of Illinois have the insight to elect Dr. Keyes as a wise social conserative, fiscal conserative, opponent of affirmative action, welfare, abortion, and the income tax. Illinois needs Alan Keyes.
Saturday, August 07, 2004
Congrats To Nate and Jenni
Nate is the co-founder of Sabyr Publishing a publishing company commited to resources that will activate your faith by empowering Christians to understand their gifts and their purpose in the Kingdom.
15 Days With Out A Post
First there was camp. We had about 70 litte munchkins at Junior week this year at Rockford Christian Camp. I had a staff of 5 people incuding myself running all the afternon and evening activities. It was A LOT of fun, and very energizing.
Anna and Ella both enjoyed their camp experiences as well. Of course Anna was our youngest camper of the week at 2 weeks old, but that is not the youngest camper I have ever seen there because Henry's niece came out to camp only a few days old if I remember correctly.
Ella was a walking collection of dirt. The highight of enterainment to me was while we were at lunch my mom commented she did not know how Ella got SOOOO much sand in her hair everyday, then no more than 10 minutes after lunch I saw Ella in the sandbox (A.k.a. Voleyball Court) rubbing the top of her head in the sand.
After camp we had about 2000 shirts to get done this week, so we were VERY busy in the T-Shirt Company as well. So here I am hopefully back and able to et back to posting.
P.S. Alan Keyes is running for the Republican Senate seat in IL. I am joining the campaign.
Tuesday, July 20, 2004
Orbitz: Major Airlines Match Southwest Sale
I am an extremely LOYAL southwest customer and fly theiur friendly skies any time I can becuase of their great deals and finacial commitment to not take government welfare after 9/11.
Kudos to them on the sale tactic the other carriers are using to promote their own federal fund sucking airlines.
Monday, July 19, 2004
Wednesday, July 07, 2004
It's A Girl
Thursday, July 01, 2004
Liberty Dollar
Wednesday, June 30, 2004
70% Effaced ...
Tuesday, June 29, 2004
Normandy Sand Sculptures
Take a look at these cool Sand Sculptures of the D-Day Invasion.