Sunday, June 25, 2006

Attn: Randall & Dad

I want to let my brother, my dad, and everyone else know about the ROVER TV. It is a $350 audio / video encoder. I think this would be a great setup for a church wanting to encode content for the web. It will take up a VERY minimal space in any AV booth and get the job done....

I want one!

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Michael Moore and Ann Coulter Are Bad For America

In this day of extreme political discontent many people are blinded to the reality of how every coin has two sides. I hear my conservative friends blast Michael Moore as the anti-Christ and call him an unpatriotic liar. I hear my liberal friends blast Ann Coulter as a fear mongering unpatriotic liar. Both sides seem to accuse these two personalities of exagerated statistics, slander, and outright lies in their respective books and movies. As a libertarian I have the luxury of perspective on this issue that many of my friends do not have, since neither speak for "my side" of the issues.

Ann Coulter and Michael Moore are two sides of the same coin, and they are BOTH bad for America. The polarizing slander that has come to dominate our public discourse has become a school yard playground riddle with name calling and other asundered childlike activities. It seems that our politicians and political personalities need a good lesson from mom on getting along.

Allow me to make 3 points here that I truly believe.

1. George Bush, John Kerry, Al Gore, Dennis Hastert, Hillary Clinton, Condi Rice, Edward Kenedy, and Karl Rove all LOVE AMERICA, they are all patriotic people who want nothing more than the best for the home nation.

2. George Bush made the best decisions he could make based on the best intelligence in the world. John Kerry is right that we need a hard fast exit strategy to end this occupation.

3. Michael Moore & Ann Coulter will say and do anything to sell books and neither should be trusted, believed, or quoted by any self respecting person.

I would like to note in closing that what we need in America is more honest open discussion about the real heart of real people's real decisions. What we do not need (and will unfortunately get) is another piece of non-fiction from Ann or Michael.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Starving Jesus

Starving Jesus

When I went to XXXCHURCH.COM to get the link to X3Watch, I saw an ad for Starving Jesus. It looks like a traveling trade show of Christian ministries for people to get involved in. Get on their site, and get the date where they are near you!

They have an area that outlines, exactly what response they are looking for with this tour.

I have downloaded all three of their podcasts, so as soon as I know more, I will post an update.

Starving Jesus Do Something

Great Sex Talk

My good friend Nikihas spent the last 4 post over at her blog talking about sex and it has certainly been a great discussion.

She and I grew up in the same denomination and my experiences are certainly similar.

My friend Dustin will be starting a post on his own struggles with sex and porn issues tommorow.

I have said before and I say again. Men, choose to be honest in this area and make sure you have a copy of Spector Pro or X3 watch (another day I will explain why Spector is better) installed on your computer so that your activity reports are sent to your WIFE!

Monday, June 12, 2006

Amnesty International - Raise The Roof

This primer on howto effect change in DC is great. I do not agree with all of Amnesty International's politics. Their video is great and useful if you desire to be an acitivst on human rights causes.

Friday, June 09, 2006

WWJW: What Would Jesus Wear?

Often when I speak about the American Christian's responsibilty to Fair Trade, I am met with two responspes from the crowd.

1. Cynical Dismisal ("Kevin is an Alarmist')
2. Cynical Desperation ("There's Nothing I Can Do..."

I will never dignify the first issue with a response, since I think "choosing ignorance" is irresponsible.

However I feel the second response is much more valid, and more easily addressed.

Today, in light of the World Cup the Ox-Fam Sportswear Report was released. This report looks at the trade practices of the 12 leading Sportswear brands.

By choosing to support companies that are improving in their trade practices, is an easy simple step for choosing to do the right thing...

I would always be willing to fly out and speak on these issues... "The Rich Man, The Eye of the Needle, and Fairtrade" is a sermon every Christian needs to hear.

My Letter To Henry Hyde

I am generally a supporter of respect and honor being paid to those in authority, just because they are in an elected position. However when those authorities go and violate their oath of office, to ensure the bulding size of their campaign warchest, it makes my bllod boil and harsh words are necessary.

The republican decision to vote against net neutrality is just such an occasion. I sent my congressman this letter celebrating his vote.

Thank you for your astute decision to back the large telcomm companies that line the greedy pockets of your campaign war chest rather than voting to protect the rights and needs of your constituents.

Your vote against Net Nuetrailty in the Communications Opportunity, Promotion, and Enhancement Act has been noted; and you have certainly identified yourself and your priorities as being loyal to Corporate lobbyist rather than the everyday voters you took an oath to represent.

I am deeply saddened to live in the district you claim to represent.

Kevin J. Bowman
For those of you who think I am being to harsh, you should have read the first draft.

Cox Communication: "Screw Congress - Screw Neutrailty"

Silicon Valley Watcher reported a few days ago that Cox Communications has already b egan their assault against their customers to keep a tight grip on their personal revenue streams at the expense of their customers.

If you are currently living under a rock and do not know what I am talking about start with this video.

Secondly find out more and get enraged at It's Our Net or Save The Net.

If you are still unconvinced, read this open letter from Eric Schmidt, CEO of Google.

Today is the DAY... The House will vote TODAY!

Thanx Chris Cree

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Why Bother????

So it is time for yet another rant about my church and their ongoing disdain for families with young children. Our church has offically closed the nursery and canceled all preschool classes for Sunday morning, and then canceled all youth classes on Wednesday. This to have a muddled down useless program that is supposed to resemble a family Bible Study. YUCK!!!

The kicker to this though that we are still told we need to help in the nursery duringer worship assembly. The question is WHY BOTHER coming??? We might as well just stop going since we are supposed to go and just be with our kids.

Please understand, I am a full supporter of Family Bible study model for a church program. However that needs to be done for our schoolage children not our preschool. Designing a program that serves the fractured lifestyle of our schoolage - sports -scouts -music -over commited families is a great idea. Throwing babies and toddlers into the mix, because it's easier than actually getting a volunteer to play n the nursery with them is ludacris. The evidence of how stupid this really is will become evident when our youth minister and his wife return with their 1 month old newborn, that we are supposed to believe needs to be a part of this.

We will NEVER get another new young family with this!!!

I would 100% leave NOW myself if I did not believe in the benevolent and service work we are doing this summer. I think that the work at the track is about the coolest ministry I have had the chance to be a part of at any church.

Anyway...Tell me whatyou think... am I off bse here?

Friday, June 02, 2006

Andrew Petersen's Doxology (Romans 11)

Well until the lawyers come by and make me take this down: I am posting the sheet music for an a'capella arangement of Andrew Petersen's Doxology. It is a wonderful amazing song that should be sung regularly in worship.

Oh, the depth of the riches

Of the wisdom and knowledge of God

How unsearchable His judgments

How untraceable his paths

Who knows the mind of our God?

Who can bring counsel to Him?

Who has given to God that God should repay?

For from Him, through Him, to Him is everything

The Power Point Slides are about 7 Megs so it will take a second to download. To hear the song you will need to goto Andrew Peterson's website and buy Appendix A.

No Wheat

My Brother, My Daughter, and myself all suffer from wheat intolerance officially known as Celiac. I have been living wheat free off and on for about 5 years. I am currently in a very bad place physically from my continuing abuse of this disorder.

I have once again cut all ceral grains out of my diet and fully resumed a gluten free diet. Add this to my chocolate boycott, and I am running out of foods to eat :-)

Please pray for me, that I will be faithful in avoiding these foods that are destroying my body.