Sunday, August 22, 2004

A Timely Prayer

I wanted to the record the prayer I wrote for the closing of our service today. I believe it is very appropraite and timely to the issues in my life personally and at the world around me. Please pray this prayer as you read it.

Father of Life
King of Peace
The creation is your glory.
Mankind your hands masterpiece.

We praise you Great Physician
For the healing of our bodies
and the bodies of those we love.

We praise you Mighty Counselor
For the healing of the nations.

You Oh Lord are the Giver of Grace
and neither death nor life
nor angels, nor rulers
nor things present, nor things to come,
nor powers, nor height, nor depth,
nor anything else in all creation
will seperate us from your love.

You Oh Lord are a Slave Master,
Yet You have offered Freedom and Adoption.

You Oh Lord come in Righteousness to Make War.
Your Robe is dipped in Blood!
A Sword comes from your mouth.
You will rule the nations with an Iron Rod.
You will crush the nations with Fury.
You are King og Kings and Lord of Lords.

And We, your church
We offer up our lives to you.
We offer up our friendships to you.
We offer up our nation to you.
We offer all to you.

For you are coming soon.
For you are the Great I AM.
For you are GOD!

Protect us.
Forgive us.
Refine us.
Redeem u.s

For yours is the Glory Forever

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