I was blessed last night to meet Tony Jones and many local people from the local Emergent Cohort. The Cohort is named Up/Rooted and it meets the third Monday night of each month in Wheaton. Since Tony Jones was in town to speak at Wheaton College they had this special meeting on Sunday night.
I met Mike Clawson who is currently planting a church in Yorkville, IL and Dave Fitch and Geoff Holsclaw who are pastors at Life on the Vine in Long Grove, IL. I also met some neat people from Reba Place an intenitonal Christian community in Evanston.
It was a neat evening and I was glad to meet people I hope to be able to unite with in the future to work together in the name of Christ.
I would be amiss if I did not also give mad props to Kristine Socall who opened her home to the community to house this meeting. I know it must have been trashed by that many people. I met her brother who was very cool also his name was Brian.
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