If I get 8 - 10 people who want it, I am going to do a print run, so comment to me. The cost will be $12 each and proceeds will go to Sevens.
Have yet to find a philosophical somewhere I am content to call home. The closest I get to a creed these days is a quote by John Green. "Whether I believe in God isn’t really relevant. I do believe however tenuously in Mercy" Due to a lot of personal reasons encountered along this journey, I have mostly stepped away from writing for now. Still, sometimes something stirs me and I need space to hash out my thoughts. So welcome to my little space along the journey.
If I buy one is that the same as supporting myself? lol
Have I mentioned lately how much we think you ROCK???
I worked for the Nowell's this summer. I'll totally buy one. E-mail me, kll05f@acu.edu
If you can make them in 2XLT, I'll order two. :) Awesome.
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