Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Jerry Falwell Is Dead - Sigh!!!

I have been called cold hearted and rude for the responses I have made to several people today about Jerry Falwell's death. However I stand by the fact that he was a self serving politico who exploited Christianity for his own financial and political gain. I am GLAD he will no longer be disgracing the name of Christ with his self serving rhetoric.


Randy said...

I told my wife last night that I felt he single-handily did more damage to a "Christian View" of politics than anyone else. I'm not sure we can ever recover from the damage he and his followers have done and continue to do.

PeaNuht said...

Sad to hear this from a Christian. Nevermind that thoundsands of lives he touched. I'm not his biggest fan, I'm not even a fan, but he was a man and he was a "Christian" as am I. I'll give him up to the Lord and let he make the judgement...
Recently I've meet a handfull of people that knew him personally and speak nothing but hard work and dedication of the man. How he influanced hundreds of thousands... But here we have two Christians focusing on everything he did wrong. Intresting...