Monday, August 07, 2006

MySpace Out of Schools?

Congress' lack of understanding in all things internet related has once again reared it's ugly head with yet another Stupid Act
called the DOPA (Deleting Online Predators Act).

The only thing great about this bill is it's name: since it will serve to only complicate life for IT staff at school's and libraries, while doing NOTHING at all for actually dealing with the problem of online predators.


Niki said...

That's crazy! Interesting article. I'll be curious to see what decision is made. I wish somebody in congress would work that hard to get porn off the internet! Idiots.

Randy said...

I just got a new security device for PCA (where I consult) that includes content filtering (censoring). We censor MySpace and all social networking sites. I see no problem with censoring students' access to sites. Now, I do believe it should be a local decision, not a federal one.