Valetnine's Day, UGH!!! I have a total Scrooge attitude when it comes to this "holiday." I find it disgusting that the top three gifts to celebrate the day of love are flowers, chocolate and jewelry; three of the worst offenders on human rights and environmental conservancy. I also feel like it is an excuse for people to be second rate all year and then choose to shine in a single moment, which I find pathetic. Love is something we build everyday, it's built around busy schedules, screaming kids, sickness and health. So I say Bah Humbug and Good Riddance.

Yet despite all that, there is still something about it, that makes me want to do a "little something" for the beautiful person I get to spend my life with. I am in love with this woman, and she really does complete me. She is not the person I come home to, she is my home. Whenever I am with her, I am home. That being said, I wanted a fun project to celebrate that this year.
Our favorite show is Doctor Who. So I made a pop-up book using clipart to let my bride know that she will "always be my Gallifrey."

I originally started working on this as a comic strip. I made the frames using
stencils and
a font I found online. I later decided it would be more personal and that a Pop-Up book would be cooler. So I proceeded with the new plan a first using scrap paper from the pages to make the "Z" which would become the pop. I had so much fun experimenting with making the book that I started taking pictures. I eventually determined thas a consistent "Z" was a better plan, so I added 4 little strips 3/8" x 1.5" to the file. So here below is my collection of tests, and all the pages of the book. It was a blast!
I did generate a
PDF of the file, each page contains the base card, the pop up mechanism and a second copy of the clip art which you can cut out and attach using the pop up tabs. The more tabs you use, the more stable the art remains, so I only used one on the sonic screwdriver and bow tie so each would remain floppy.
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